We pray that Restoration would embody the heart and attitude of this saying:
“In essentials - unity. In non-essentials - liberty. In all things - Love."
The following are the Core Beliefs of Restoration Christian Church:
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. The Bible contains God's message for mankind to come to know Him. It is relevant to our lives today. Everything you need to know concerning God and His plan for salvation and life is contained in the Scripture. We accept the Bible as our final authority for all matters of faith and practice.
(2 Timothy 3:16 - 17; 2 Peter 1:21)
We believe in the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
(Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14)
We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Jesus was not just a "good man." Jesus was God in flesh. Jesus came to this earth because we had a sin problem. Jesus lived a perfect life and then died to take our place. His death on the cross paid the price for our sins. We believe Jesus literally resurrected back to life.
(John 1:1, 14; 1 Peter 3:18; 1 Corinthians 15:3 - 4)
We believe that God wants everyone to be saved. Salvation is a free gift from God. We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. God calls all people to repentance. God wants everyone to confess Jesus as Lord, to be baptized (immersed) into Christ, and to live a life that is faithful until death.
(2 Peter 3:9; Romans 10:9-10; 6:3 - 4; Revelation 2:10)
We believe that the church is the body of Christ on the earth and exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ who make disciples.
(Matthew 28:19 - 20)
We believe that Jesus will return to the earth. On that day Jesus will judge everyone who lived on the earth. Heaven will be rewarded to those who obeyed God. Hell is reserved for those who reject God.
(John 14:3; Matthew 25:46)
We gather on the first day of the week to celebrate and remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for our sins.
(Acts 20:7)
“In essentials - unity. In non-essentials - liberty. In all things - Love."
The following are the Core Beliefs of Restoration Christian Church:
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. The Bible contains God's message for mankind to come to know Him. It is relevant to our lives today. Everything you need to know concerning God and His plan for salvation and life is contained in the Scripture. We accept the Bible as our final authority for all matters of faith and practice.
(2 Timothy 3:16 - 17; 2 Peter 1:21)
We believe in the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
(Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14)
We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Jesus was not just a "good man." Jesus was God in flesh. Jesus came to this earth because we had a sin problem. Jesus lived a perfect life and then died to take our place. His death on the cross paid the price for our sins. We believe Jesus literally resurrected back to life.
(John 1:1, 14; 1 Peter 3:18; 1 Corinthians 15:3 - 4)
We believe that God wants everyone to be saved. Salvation is a free gift from God. We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. God calls all people to repentance. God wants everyone to confess Jesus as Lord, to be baptized (immersed) into Christ, and to live a life that is faithful until death.
(2 Peter 3:9; Romans 10:9-10; 6:3 - 4; Revelation 2:10)
We believe that the church is the body of Christ on the earth and exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ who make disciples.
(Matthew 28:19 - 20)
We believe that Jesus will return to the earth. On that day Jesus will judge everyone who lived on the earth. Heaven will be rewarded to those who obeyed God. Hell is reserved for those who reject God.
(John 14:3; Matthew 25:46)
We gather on the first day of the week to celebrate and remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for our sins.
(Acts 20:7)